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Novelty Trial


The Novelty trial version requires an API Key to run an instance. To get an API Key for your free trial of thatDot Novelty, click here and fill out the free trial form. An API Key will be emailed to you after form submission.


The trial version authenticates against thatDot servers with your API Key, meaning the trial version of Novelty requires an open internet connection to authenticate and start.

Getting Started with thatDot Novelty

Getting started is easy:

  1. Download the software - this is a Java JAR file, if you would prefer a Docker Container please contact the thatDot Support team (
  2. Create a configuration file (.conf extension) containing the API key and associated email address and place it adjacent to your downloaded JAR file (in the same directory). This is just a plain text file.
  3. Start your instance of Novelty

Download the Software

Get started by downloading the trial version. This trial version requires an API Key to launch an instance.

Create the Configuration File for thatDot Novelty

After downloading the trial version, you will need to create a configuration file with your email address and API Key. This file has a .conf extension and should be placed in the same directory as your JAR file. To get an API Key, click here and fill out the free trial form. An API Key will be emailed to you after form submission.

thatdot {
  novelty {
    trial {
      email = "YOUR_EMAIL@EMAIL.COM"
      api-key = "TRIAL_API_KEY"

Start Instance of thatDot Novelty

Start the trial instance of Novelty with your configuration file using the following command (in this example, the file is called novelty.conf):

java -jar -Dconfig.file=novelty.conf novelty-trial.jar

You can also choose to configure your instance on the command line when launching an instance instead of using a configuration file:

java -jar -Dthatdot.novelty.trial.api-key=TRIAL_API_KEY novelty-trial.jar

Configuring Proxy Settings for Novelty

When deploying the trial version of Novelty in a network environment that requires proxy traversal, you can configure the application to route traffic through a proxy server. This is achieved by specifying the appropriate Java system properties:

  • http.proxyHost
  • https.proxyHost
  • http.proxyPort
  • https.proxyPort

Here is how you can configure these when running the trial jar:

java \
  -Dhttp.proxyHost=<PROXY_HOST> \
  -Dhttp.proxyPort=<PROXY_PORT> \
  -Dhttps.proxyHost=<PROXY_HOST> \
  -Dhttps.proxyPort=<PROXY_PORT> \<EMAIL> \
  -Dthatdot.novelty.trial.api-key=<API_KEY> \
  -jar novelty-trial.jar

Configuring Novelty transformation cache

Novelty transformations persist a cache to help speed up and optimize their runtime. On Linux machines, this defaults to the $USER home directory. If your deployment of Novelty restricts write access to the default cache location, you can provide on Linux machines, the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable, and provide a writable location, like somewhere in the /tmp directory for instance.

If running a .jar file, here is how you can use that environment variable in a script:

export XDG_CACHE_HOME="/tmp/transformation-cache"
java -jar novelty.jar

Here's a snippet of the env section of a Kubernetes manifest if you are using it to orchestrate Novelty, and an example of setting that cache path environment variable:

  value: "/tmp/transformation-cache"

Key Resources to Help Guide You

Once you have the software downloaded and the initial configuration file created you are ready to go.

These materials will help you navigate setting up pipelines, querying real-time data, and detecting anomalies.