Getting Started

The quick starts in this section will teach you to install Quine, connect an ingest stream to an event source in your data pipeline, shape events into a graph, inspect your data, and develop business logic using a standing query.

Guide Description
Quick Start Start here to walk through the basics and get Quine Enterprise up and running quickly with no fuss.
Trial Getting Started Details on how to get your hands on a Quine Enterprise trial.
Helm Chart Quickstart Kickstart your Quine Enterprise deployment with our Helm chart quickstart guide, showcasing easy installation, best practices, and real-time analytics.
Ingest Stream Quick Start After installing Quine, this tutorial walks you through connecting to an event source and forming a streaming graph.
Standing Query Quick Start Now that you have events streaming into Quine, this tutorial teaches you how to put Quine to work in your streaming event pipeline.
Recipes Quick Start Quine recipes are a convenient way to package together Quine config, graph logic/structure, and exploration UI customizations.
Exporation UI Quine’s Exploration UI is an interactive canvas for ad hoc, interactive exploration of your streaming event data.