IMDB Movie Data
Full Recipe¶
Shared by: Michael Aglietti
Explore a standard graph data set using Quine to combine data from separate sources, then generates a new event stream from the combined data.
IMDB Movie Data Recipe
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In this scenario, Quine combines data from multiple CSV files into one graph. As the graph is formed, a standing query matches and reports every instance of when a person is both the actor and director of a movie.
Sample Data¶
The sample data for this recipe is provided in two csv files that were exported from a relational database.
File 1: movieData.csv
contains the Person
, Movie
, and Join
File 2: ratingData.csv
contains rows of ratings.
Click on the buttons above to download the sample data into the same directory where Quine will be run.
How it Works¶
This recipe parses the CSV files using ingest streams. We used multiple ingests streams to parse the movieData.csv
file to highlight how the Cypher acts on each data structure. Creating a single ingest stream for the movie data would be more efficient.
The recipe ingests the CSV files to create the following graph shape.
Movie and Genre Nodes¶
The first ingest stream matches the movieData.csv
file's rows containing Movie
entities. These rows are parsed, turned into Movie
and Genre
nodes, and filled with properties. Genre
nodes are connected to Movie
nodes in the graph.
- type: FileIngest
path: $movie_file
type: CypherCsv
headers: true
query: |-
WITH $that AS row
WHERE row.Entity = 'Movie'
AND id(m) = idFrom("Movie", row.movieId)
m.tmdbId = row.tmdbId,
m.imdbId = row.imdbId,
m.imdbRating = toFloat(row.imdbRating),
m.released = row.released,
m.title = row.title,
m.year = toInteger(row.year),
m.poster = row.poster,
m.runtime = toInteger(row.runtime),
m.countries = split(coalesce(row.countries,""), "|"),
m.imdbVotes = toInteger(row.imdbVotes),
m.revenue = toInteger(row.revenue),
m.plot = row.plot,
m.url = row.url,
m.budget = toInteger(row.budget),
m.languages = split(coalesce(row.languages,""), "|"),
m.movieId = row.movieId
WITH m,split(coalesce(row.genres,""), "|") AS genres
UNWIND genres AS genre
WITH m, genre
WHERE id(g) = idFrom("Genre", genre)
SET g.genre = genre, g:Genre
CREATE (m:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(g:Genre)
"type": "FileIngest",
"path": "$movie_file",
"format": {
"type": "CypherCsv",
"headers": true,
"query": "WITH $that AS row\nMATCH (m) \nWHERE row.Entity = 'Movie' \n AND id(m) = idFrom(\"Movie\", row.movieId)\nSET\n m:Movie,\n m.tmdbId = row.tmdbId,\n m.imdbId = row.imdbId,\n m.imdbRating = toFloat(row.imdbRating),\n m.released = row.released,\n m.title = row.title,\n m.year = toInteger(row.year),\n m.poster = row.poster,\n m.runtime = toInteger(row.runtime),\n m.countries = split(coalesce(row.countries,\"\"), \"|\"),\n m.imdbVotes = toInteger(row.imdbVotes),\n m.revenue = toInteger(row.revenue),\n m.plot = row.plot,\n m.url = row.url,\n m.budget = toInteger(row.budget),\n m.languages = split(coalesce(row.languages,\"\"), \"|\"),\n m.movieId = row.movieId\nWITH m,split(coalesce(row.genres,\"\"), \"|\") AS genres\nUNWIND genres AS genre\nWITH m, genre\nMATCH (g) \nWHERE id(g) = idFrom(\"Genre\", genre)\nSET g.genre = genre, g:Genre\nCREATE (m:Movie)-[:IN_GENRE]->(g:Genre)"
Person Nodes¶
The second ingest stream matches the movieData.csv
file's rows containing Person
entities. These rows are parsed, turned into Person
nodes, and filled with properties.
- type: FileIngest
path: $movie_file
type: CypherCsv
headers: true
query: |-
WITH $that AS row
WHERE row.Entity = "Person"
AND id(p) = idFrom("Person", row.tmdbId)
p.imdbId = row.imdbId,
p.bornIn = row.bornIn, =, =,
p.poster = row.poster,
p.url = row.url,
p.born = row.born,
p.died = row.died,
p.tmdbId = row.tmdbId,
p.born = CASE row.born WHEN "" THEN null ELSE datetime(row.born + "T00:00:00Z") END,
p.died = CASE row.died WHEN "" THEN null ELSE datetime(row.died + "T00:00:00Z") END
"type": "FileIngest",
"path": "$movie_file",
"format": {
"type": "CypherCsv",
"headers": true,
"query": "WITH $that AS row\nMATCH (p) \nWHERE row.Entity = \"Person\" \n AND id(p) = idFrom(\"Person\", row.tmdbId)\nSET\n p:Person,\n p.imdbId = row.imdbId,\n p.bornIn = row.bornIn,\n =,\n =,\n p.poster = row.poster,\n p.url = row.url,\n p.born = row.born,\n p.died = row.died,\n p.tmdbId = row.tmdbId,\n p.born = CASE row.born WHEN \"\" THEN null ELSE datetime(row.born + \"T00:00:00Z\") END,\n p.died = CASE row.died WHEN \"\" THEN null ELSE datetime(row.died + \"T00:00:00Z\") END"
Role Nodes¶
The third ingest stream matches the movieData.csv
file's rows containing Join
entities that have Acting
in the Work
column. These rows are parsed, turned into Role
nodes, filled with properties, and connected to the graph. Additionally, the ACTED_IN relationship is set between the Person
and Movie
- type: FileIngest
path: $movie_file
type: CypherCsv
headers: true
query: |-
WITH $that AS row
WITH row
WHERE row.Entity = "Join"
AND row.Work = "Acting"
MATCH (p), (m), (r)
WHERE id(p) = idFrom("Person", row.tmdbId)
AND id(m) = idFrom("Movie", row.movieId)
AND id(r) = idFrom("Role", row.tmdbId, row.movieId, row.role)
r.role = row.role, = row.movieId,
r.tmdbId = row.tmdbId,
CREATE (p:Person)-[:PLAYED]->(r:Role)<-[:HAS_ROLE]-(m:Movie)
CREATE (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
"type": "FileIngest",
"path": "$movie_file",
"format": {
"type": "CypherCsv",
"headers": true,
"query": "WITH $that AS row\nWITH row \nWHERE row.Entity = \"Join\" \n AND row.Work = \"Acting\"\nMATCH (p), (m), (r) \nWHERE id(p) = idFrom(\"Person\", row.tmdbId)\n AND id(m) = idFrom(\"Movie\", row.movieId)\n AND id(r) = idFrom(\"Role\", row.tmdbId, row.movieId, row.role)\nSET \n r.role = row.role, \n = row.movieId, \n r.tmdbId = row.tmdbId, \n r:Role\nCREATE (p:Person)-[:PLAYED]->(r:Role)<-[:HAS_ROLE]-(m:Movie)\nCREATE (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)"
Directed Nodes¶
The fourth ingest stream matches the movieData.csv
file's rows containing Join
entities that have Directing
in the Work
column. These rows are parsed and the DIRECTED relationship is created between the Person
and Movie
- type: FileIngest
path: $movie_file
type: CypherCsv
headers: true
query: |-
WITH $that AS row
WITH row WHERE row.Entity = "Join" AND row.Work = "Directing"
MATCH (p), (m)
WHERE id(p) = idFrom("Person", row.tmdbId)
AND id(m) = idFrom("Movie", row.movieId)
CREATE (p:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(m:Movie)
"type": "FileIngest",
"path": "$movie_file",
"format": {
"type": "CypherCsv",
"headers": true,
"query": "WITH $that AS row\nWITH row WHERE row.Entity = \"Join\" AND row.Work = \"Directing\"\nMATCH (p), (m) \nWHERE id(p) = idFrom(\"Person\", row.tmdbId)\n AND id(m) = idFrom(\"Movie\", row.movieId)\nCREATE (p:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(m:Movie)"
Rating Nodes¶
The fifth ingest stream matches rows from the ratingsData.csv
file to create User
and Rating
nodes, fill them with parameters, and connect them into the graph.
- type: FileIngest
path: $rating_file
type: CypherCsv
headers: true
query: |-
WITH $that AS row
MATCH (m), (u), (rtg)
WHERE id(m) = idFrom("Movie", row.movieId)
AND id(u) = idFrom("User", row.userId)
AND id(rtg) = idFrom("Rating", row.movieId, row.userId, row.rating)
SET =, u:User
SET rtg.rating = row.rating,
rtg.timestamp = toInteger(row.timestamp),
CREATE (u:User)-[:SUBMITTED]->(rtg:Rating)<-[:HAS_RATING]-(m:Movie)
CREATE (u:User)-[:RATED]->(m:Movie)
"type": "FileIngest",
"path": "$rating_file",
"format": {
"type": "CypherCsv",
"headers": true,
"query": "WITH $that AS row\nMATCH (m), (u), (rtg) \nWHERE id(m) = idFrom(\"Movie\", row.movieId)\n AND id(u) = idFrom(\"User\", row.userId)\n AND id(rtg) = idFrom(\"Rating\", row.movieId, row.userId, row.rating)\nSET =, u:User\nSET rtg.rating = row.rating,\n rtg.timestamp = toInteger(row.timestamp),\n rtg:Rating\nCREATE (u:User)-[:SUBMITTED]->(rtg:Rating)<-[:HAS_RATING]-(m:Movie)\nCREATE (u:User)-[:RATED]->(m:Movie)"
Acted and Directed¶
A standing query detects when an actor (Person
) has both the ACTED_IN
relationship to the same Movie
When a pattern match is found, the ActedDirected
relationship is created between the Person
and Movie
nodes in the graph, and an alert is written into the ActorDirector.jsonl
- pattern:
type: Cypher
mode: MultipleValues
query: |-
MATCH (a:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(p:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(m:Movie)
WHERE id(a) = id(m)
RETURN id(m) as movieId, id(p) as personId
type: CypherQuery
query: |-
MATCH (m),(p)
WHERE id(m) = $
AND id(p) = $
CREATE (p:Person)-[:ActedDirected]->(m:Movie)
RETURN id(m) as movieId, m.title as Movie, id(p) as personId, as Actor
type: WriteToFile
path: "ActorDirector.jsonl"
"pattern": {
"type": "Cypher",
"mode": "MultipleValues",
"query": "MATCH (a:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(p:Person)-[:DIRECTED]->(m:Movie) \nWHERE id(a) = id(m)\nRETURN id(m) as movieId, id(p) as personId"
"outputs": {
"set-ActedDirected": {
"type": "CypherQuery",
"query": "MATCH (m),(p)\nWHERE id(m) = $ \n AND id(p) = $\nWITH *\nCREATE (p:Person)-[:ActedDirected]->(m:Movie)\nRETURN id(m) as movieId, m.title as Movie, id(p) as personId, as Actor",
"andThen": {
"type": "WriteToFile",
"path": "ActorDirector.jsonl"
The output object contains information about the match and the nodes matching the query.
"meta": {
"isPositiveMatch": true,
"resultId": "d2008617-cc5c-4f81-8472-f3db277f8da2"
"data": {
"Actor": "Clint Eastwood",
"Movie": "Unforgiven",
"movieId": "4a6d64c8-9c90-3362-b443-4d2e7b2fb9d1",
"personId": "4638a820-3b68-3fc7-9fa7-341e876b701e"
Running the Recipe¶
java \
-jar quine-1.8.2.jar -r movieData.yaml\
--recipe-value movie_file=movieData.csv \
--recipe-value rating_file=ratingData.csv
This recipe will create an ActorDirector.jsonl
file in the local directory that you should remove before each run. We found it easier to launch Quine using the following shell script so that we didn't forget to clean up output from previous runs.
[ -f ActorDirector.jsonl ] && rm ActorDirector.jsonl
java \
-jar quine-1.8.2.jar -r movieData.yaml\
--recipe-value movie_file=movieData.csv \
--recipe-value rating_file=ratingData.csv
Launching Quine directly or using
will produce output similar to this.
❯ ./
Graph is ready
Running Recipe: Ingesting CSV Files
Using 6 node appearances
Using 8 sample queries
Running Standing Query STANDING-1
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-1
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-2
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-3
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-4
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-5
Quine web server available at http://localhost:8080
INGEST-1 status is completed and ingested 74090
INGEST-2 status is completed and ingested 74090
INGEST-3 status is completed and ingested 74090
INGEST-4 status is completed and ingested 74090
INGEST-5 status is completed and ingested 100005
| => STANDING-1 count 491
Be sure to open Quine in your browser using the URL provided in your terminal window. Several sample queries are ready for you to use in the Exploration UI query bar. Click on the query bar and launch the queries by pressing the Query button.
Submit text queries with Shift+Enter to avoid the Exploration UI sending back an error.
Sample Query | Type | Description |
Sample of Nodes | Node | Return a sample of nodes from the graph |
Count Nodes | Text | Count the types of nodes in the graph |
Count Relationships | Text | Count the types of relationships in the graph |
Movie Genres | Node | Return the movie genres nodes from the graph |
Person Acted In a movie | Node | Return all of the actor nodes from the graph |
Person Directed a movie | Node | Return all of the director nodes from the graph |
Person Acted In and Directed a movie | Node | Return all of the actor and movie nodes where the actor also directed |
User Rated a movie | Node | Return all of the rating nodes from the graph |
The results from the Person Acted In and Directed a movie
create an interesting shape you can explore further with your queries.