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Ethereum Tag Propagation

Full Recipe

Shared by: Ethan Bell

This recipe models data on the thoroughgoing Ethereum blockchain. Any transaction can be flagged as tainted causing a tainted tag to propagate into the graph to track the flow of transactions from the flagged and tainted accounts.

Ethereum Tag Propagation Recipe

Download Recipe


Newly-mined Ethereum transaction metadata is imported via a Server-Sent Events data source. Transactions are grouped by the block in which they were mined then imported into the graph. Each wallet address is represented by a node, linked by an edge to each transaction sent or received by that account, and linked by an edge to any blocks mined by that account. Quick queries allow marking an account as "tainted". The tainted flag is propagated along outgoing transaction paths via Standing Queries to record the least degree of separation between a tainted source and an account receiving a transaction.


The Ethereum diamond logo is property of the Ethereum Foundation, used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Sample Data

Sample data is continuously sampled from the Ethereum block chain and emitted as a server sent event for use in this demo.

How it Works

The recipe installs two ingest queries. They are auto-named INGEST-1 and INGEST-2. The INGEST-1 query processes blocks, and INGEST-2 processes mined transactions. In both queries, idFrom is used to identify nodes from unique identifiers present in the dataset. For accounts, the address is the identifier; for blocks, the block hash is the identifier; etc. Ethereum data uses hexadecimal strings for identifiers, sometimes with a built-in capitalization checksum. This means the address 0x19975E29111a6c85E282eBe409C272c15492c6Ad is the same address as 0x19975e29111a6c85e282ebe409c272c15492c6ad, just written slightly differently. To account for these variations in the hex representation's capitalization, before resolving an id, toLower is used to convert the identifier to consistent lower-case representation.


The INGEST-1 query processes streaming data for block_head like:

id: 14566607_head
event: block_head
data: {
    "number": 14566607,
    "hash": "0xf3dafdda16a884f6ff2b1b0c0325eaadc70db022363e3af74ab5994f8cbc1f12",
    "parentHash": "0xcd859249e97684f319173c284314307a11deaa2a708c8c5fcf377971e09abb01",
    "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
    "logsBloom": "0x0",
    "transactionsRoot": "0xa77b91fc4ee74bc1df28019e898a4ba17dd87fcc41c633cab25b4909ee56a60a",
    "stateRoot": "0xf7869b706a212bfa504520674c3ef3350b187d31ef207b155fa548a4e59169df",
    "receiptsRoot": "0x6669147c87b5cc857801372bed55ab6ddf3474d935b2b4e3b1ee1b95f4dc357b",
    "miner": "0x829BD824B016326A401d083B33D092293333A830",
    "difficulty": "13384256520560135",
    "extraData": "0xe4b883e5bda9e7a59ee4bb99e9b1bc4a1621",
    "gasLimit": 30029295,
    "gasUsed": 3117128,
    "timestamp": 1649710008,
    "baseFeePerGas": "0xfcf7d67a0",
    "nonce": "0xc1a22f3db05412ca",
    "mixHash": "0xfaafcc9e2be300ba795954bed57a38e415330e6131e48e58770e8e678a16e869"

The ingest query identifies (BA), (minerAcc), (blk), and (parentBlk) nodes and loads them into the graph.

    - format:
        query: |-
          MATCH (BA), (minerAcc), (blk), (parentBlk)
            id(blk) = idFrom('block', toLower($that.hash))
            AND id(parentBlk) = idFrom('block', toLower($that.parentHash))
            AND id(BA) = idFrom('block_assoc', toLower($that.hash))
            AND id(minerAcc) = idFrom('account', toLower($that.miner))
            BA.number = $that.number,
            BA.hash = $that.hash,
            blk = $that,
            minerAcc.address = $that.miner
        type: CypherJson
      type: ServerSentEventsIngest
POST /api/v1/ingest/INGEST-1
  "format": {
    "query": "MATCH (BA), (minerAcc), (blk), (parentBlk)\nWHERE\n  id(blk) = idFrom('block', toLower($that.hash))\n  AND id(parentBlk) = idFrom('block', toLower($that.parentHash))\n  AND id(BA) = idFrom('block_assoc', toLower($that.hash))\n  AND id(minerAcc) = idFrom('account', toLower($that.miner))\nCREATE\n  (minerAcc)<-[:mined_by]-(blk)-[:header_for]->(BA),\n  (blk)-[:preceded_by]->(parentBlk)\nSET\n  BA:block_assoc,\n  BA.number = $that.number,\n  BA.hash = $that.hash,\n  blk:block,\n  blk = $that,\n  minerAcc:account,\n  minerAcc.address = $that.miner",
    "type": "CypherJson"
  "url": "",
  "type": "ServerSentEventsIngest"


The INGEST-2 query receives tx_mined events like:

id: 14566637: 0
event: tx_mined
data: {
    "blockHash": "0x0d7782556aef00f1391a05a18ab229a70720780fe3c92eaff74738dee59649d0",
    "blockNumber": 14566637,
    "from": "0x19975E29111a6c85E282eBe409C272c15492c6Ad",
    "gas": 42105,
    "gasPrice": "203940950410",
    "hash": "0x470294af9453f2cd1ec084456328da5c613585974e838fa088cef27246b2481e",
    "input": "0x",
    "nonce": 1,
    "r": "0x8b52f40f28db1627e82fea7352f6d2ba1133dcac081b6939bd03ff397370586d",
    "s": "0x8e7b2c69b1684873156090f238d42aad2c14315a08551a57dc5ed1aa45f0a76",
    "to": "0x732Ec041e4Dc8c01B541B237dE5Ce794c51cF838",
    "transactionIndex": 0,
    "type": "0x0",
    "v": "0x26",
    "value": "168930787638413525"

The ingest query identifies (BA), (toAcc), (fromAcc), and (tx) and loads them into the graph.

  - format:
      query: |-
        WITH true AS validTransactionRecord WHERE $ IS NOT NULL AND $that.from IS NOT NULL
        MATCH (BA), (toAcc), (fromAcc), (tx)
          id(BA) = idFrom('block_assoc', toLower($that.blockHash))
          AND id(toAcc) = idFrom('account', toLower($
          AND id(fromAcc) = idFrom('account', toLower($that.from))
          AND id(tx) = idFrom('transaction', toLower($that.hash))
          tx = $that,
          fromAcc.address = $that.from,
          toAcc.address = $
      type: CypherJson
    type: ServerSentEventsIngest
POST /api/v1/ingest/INGEST-2
  "format": {
    "query": "WITH true AS validTransactionRecord WHERE $ IS NOT NULL AND $that.from IS NOT NULL\nMATCH (BA), (toAcc), (fromAcc), (tx)\nWHERE\n  id(BA) = idFrom('block_assoc', toLower($that.blockHash))\n  AND id(toAcc) = idFrom('account', toLower($\n  AND id(fromAcc) = idFrom('account', toLower($that.from))\n  AND id(tx) = idFrom('transaction', toLower($that.hash))\nCREATE\n  (tx)-[:defined_in]->(BA),\n  (tx)-[:from]->(fromAcc),\n  (tx)-[:to]->(toAcc)\nSET\n  tx:transaction,\n  BA:block_assoc,\n  toAcc:account,\n  fromAcc:account,\n  tx = $that,\n  fromAcc.address = $that.from,\n  toAcc.address = $",
    "type": "CypherJson"
  "url": "",
  "type": "ServerSentEventsIngest"

Running the Recipe

 java -jar quine-1.8.2.jar -r ethereum.yaml
Graph is ready
Running Recipe: Ethereum Tag Propagation
Using 6 node appearances
Using 7 quick queries
Using 2 sample queries
Running Standing Query STANDING-1
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-1
Running Ingest Stream INGEST-2
Quine web server available at http://localhost:8080 

Observe that Quine is running in the terminal window and that the ingest queries are receiving data.

 | => STANDING-1 count 0
 | => INGEST-1 status is running and ingested 485
 | => INGEST-2 status is running and ingested 34820

Reviewing chains

The nodes appearing in your graph are from the live Ethereum blockchain. They will continue to stream in as long as Quine is running the recipe.

Start exploring the graph by pulling a few recent blocks from the blockchain with the Recently Accessed Blocks sample query. Select the sample query in the query bar then click the Query button. The query returns a sub-graph of the recent blocks ordered by the block that preceded it.


Click on the query bar for a list of sample queries.

Recently Accessed Blocks

Take a moment to inspect a couple of the blocks to see the data stored as parameters.

Blocks from the Ethereum Blockchain

Click back into the query bar and clear the query then submit the Sent and Received ETH sample query to see accounts that have sent and received transactions.

Blocks that have sent and received Wei

This query finds a series of Wei transactions chained from account to account. Arrange the graph so that you can see all of the nodes. Right-click on the node at the head of the chain and select "Outgoing Transactions" to create a synthetic edge between the accounts. Create a second synthetic edge between the second and third accounts.


Hold shift while moving a node to lock it's position in place.

Taint a Node

Right-click on the origin node again and select "Mark as Tainted." This adds a tainted parameter tag to the node and sets it to a value of 0. A node with tainted=0 indicates that this is the source of taint in our graph.

Notice that you begin to receive updates in the terminal window where you launched Quine from. The Standing Query produces these notices from the recipe; let's look at it now.

A Standing Query is composed of two parts, the pattern query that detects a sub-graph shape and an output query that acts on the matched sub-graph.

Standing Query


Cypher from the query pattern is always evaluating the stream of data looking for a match. When matched, it triggers the output query to process the event.

Our standing query is always looking for tainted nodes via the existence of a tainted parameter.

  tainted.tainted IS NOT NULL
  id(tainted) AS accountId,
  tainted.tainted AS oldTaintedLevel,
  id(otherAccount) AS otherAccountId

The results of the match pattern are sent to the output query.

The output query acts on the match to propagate the tainted tag. The value of tainted is equal to the shortest path to any tainted node.


MATCH (tainted), (otherAccount)
  tainted <> otherAccount
  AND id(tainted) = $
  AND id(otherAccount) = $
WITH *, coll.min([($ + 1), otherAccount.tainted]) AS newTaintedLevel
SET otherAccount.tainted = newTaintedLevel
  strId(tainted) AS taintedSource,
  strId(otherAccount) AS newlyTainted,

A standing query is capable of sending notifications using the andThen clause in the API.

  "andThen": {
    "logLevel": "Info",
    "logMode": "Complete",
    "type": "PrintToStandardOut"

In our case, the results from the match are printed to standard out. These are the message that you now see in your terminal window.

2022-04-13 11:05:14,877 Standing query `propagate-tainted` match: {"meta":{"isPositiveMatch":true,"resultId":"e3aa2a7c-b246-4896-b8b7-d4fea9904c91"},"data":{"taintedSource":"ed9899b5-e8a8-3a0b-9785-824f2cb1781b","newlyTainted":"981c7ef9-319a-35ba-90dd-401faf5de6a6","newTaintedLevel":3}}

Tainted Tag Propagation

Clear your explorer window using the '<<' button, then run the "Tainted Accounts" query. This query will find the original account or accounts responsible for the taint in the graph.

Right-click on a tainted account (appears fuchsia) and select "Outgoing Tainted Transactions" to find the accounts that this account tainted. Hover over the account to see the tainted=1 property that indicates that this account is one hop away from the source of the taint.

Tainted Node

Continue to taint and explore the graph as more of the nodes become tainted.

At any time, you can issue the following query to report the number of tainted nodes in the graph.

MATCH (n) 
WHERE n.tainted IS NOT NULL 
RETURN DISTINCT n.tainted, count(n) 
ORDER BY n.tainted